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Pastor's Blog

Made in His Image

The Bible tells us we are made in the image of God. Have you ever thought about what that means? If I take a wonderful piece of art, lay a piece of paper directly over it so that the indention of the original can be felt through the copy, I can trace the image to the top piece of paper. I can make a copy, but it is not the original, only a representation. The Bible says in Genesis 1 :26 And God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness." Do we look like God, yes and no. In the sense of authority we do look like and represent God. He goes on in verse 26 and says let them have dominion," authority," over fish, birds, cattle, and everything that creeps upon the face of the earth.In the beginning, in the image of God we were given power over the earth to manage it, in this sense we look like God. 


And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils

the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

(Genesis 2:7)


... life in the first book of the bible we find these words and god said


Man is the only creature God made in His image, and the only creature He breathed life into. Stop for a moment and think. We have the very breath of almighty God maintaining life in our bodies. I want to go back to the piece of artwork for a moment. If I paint you a picture of someone and place it on the market to sell, it has limited value because the value lies in the reputation and ability of the person who signs the artwork. Now, suppose a Van Gough was placed on the market, the value would increase because of the signature on the artwork. When Van Gough places his name on something that brings value. To be created in the image of God means He has placed His signature on us, making us more valuable than all other creation. We are the signature on God's painting of creation! So, the next time you feel like your worthless, or just have no purpose or value, remember, God has placed His signature on you, you are made in His very image. 

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