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Pastor's Blog

What is Truth?

I always hear a lot about culture and society no matter who I am with, or where I go. This seems to be a subject that almost everyone has an opinion on. As a Christian I have to admit that I am saddened when I see our society begin to accept things that contradict what I believe from scripture. On many occasions I have been brought to my knees over court rulings or someone's stance on moral issues that define who I am as a Christian. I also, am saddened when I see Christians with a stance on an issue that is in opposition to the core foundations of the teachings of God's word. It seems that what we once knew to be true from scripture is now coming under attack from outside, and inside, the church today. This all falls back on what we as Christians perceive as truth. Many people today will say there are various forms of truth, and to some extent I do agree, but when it comes down to what we believe as Christians there is only one truth. God said in His word "let God be true and every man a liar" (Romans 3:4)  Truth is not based on opinion but fact. One of the enemies of truth is emotion, this can clog out truth and replace it with compromise. 

Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;

And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

(John 8:31-32)

If we call ourselves Christians then we must be, in every sense of the word, a Christ follower. When we read the scriptures we find that Christ never turned anyone away, He had compassion for everyone regardless of other circumstances. We are to show love to others, but, Christ also never excused sin in anybody or in any way. I am convinced the reason we see so much disagreement between people inside the church on the issues facing society is because of opinions based on emotions. When I follow Christ I must make decisions that don't make me happy in some instances, and are hard to live with it, but the alternative is compromise. If we as a church continue to sacrifice truth on the altar of compromise we will soon find ourselves with cracks in our armor and decay overtaking our foundations. Remember it is not compromise that brings freedom, or even happiness, but only truth makes you truly free.  

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